Client: Love is in the Hair Copy: Display ad & flyer campaign copy Cutting through with high end creative Sometimes it only takes a few words to ensure the impact of a new brand takes off in the right direction. And once the copywriting is just right, it’s all about putting those words across cracking…

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Client: Drum Digital Copy: Case study copy for content campaign Compelling cold-calling content that cuts through   After we’d made a splash with a sophisticated trend-driven White Paper, the next copywriting required for this content campaign to win Drum Digital new business from a list of law firm prospects was to follow up with a…

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Client: Green Chilli Marketing Copy: Magazine editorial & display ad Words which make people say “Yes!” at point of sale. The point of sale solutions supplied by ABT throughout all Optus stores nationally is an impressive success story. And while anyone can see how cool the presentation of branding is at the shop front, the…

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Client: Drum Digital Copy: Website home page tiles Punchy positioning with conservative power Finding the right balance between the need for punchy memorable messaging, and the parameters of a very conservative space populated by providers who want to stay within the status quo, is one of the most rewarding copywriting challenges I’ve found in decades…

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Client: Drum Digital Copy: Website home page tiles So, you’ve got great images, what next? For one of my first ever freelance copywriting projects decades ago, a real estate developer who had rights to a bundle of sports images said, “Hey Justin, here’s a load photos, please come up with punchy copy about my business…

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