My biz is ready for TV. Where do I start?

Ready for TV copywriting v2So much to say, so little time to say it!

There’s no denying the effectiveness of TV advertising. That’s why it’s the first choice of sales channel for most companies that have the cash. The challenge is fitting all the wonderful features and benefits into a 15 or 30 second slot, using words that will woo your target market, and encourage them to do what you want them to do. It’s a difficult operation, with much at stake if you get it wrong. That’s why you need a Doctor.

Your first step is to talk to me about your business and let me pick your brains about the top line benefits you offer potential customers. From there I’ll work on a script and a concept which effectively delivers the right message, in a memorable way, making good use of every single second.

Once you have your copy and your advertising concept, you need a production house, some contacts in TV world, plus a working knowledge of where and when your target market watches the box. And guess what, I can help with that too!

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