Featured Project: Google Calls

That moment when Google gives you a call & says:
“We love your website!”

copy_403 days after my client’s website went live with my new copy, the client gave me a call.
The Google numbers had bounced.
In a BIG way.

graph_40Just 72 hours after posting my new content, both ranking and responses had gone through the roof. The client texted me this screenshot of a Google analytics graph showing the huge jump. (I’ve hidden the confidential data.)


phone_403 months after the new copy went live, my client received a call.
It was from Google, and it went something like this:

“We’ve identified your site as one of the top 3 performers in the whole country across a number of keywords. We love what you’re achieving and we’re determined to help you realise even more potential. You’re being issued a number of exclusive tools and given access to a range of comprehensive support services… including direct phone and email liaison with a Sydney-based Google representative, who will be on hand during local business hours to assist with your every need.”

So, there’s the headline. If you want more detail, let’s start at the beginning. A few months before Google called my client, my client called me to say: “My website gets good rankings, but the response rate is rubbish!”

People say this to me, or something like it, all the time. And it’s a quandary that cuts to the crux of the big challenge in creating a successful website. Even if you’re getting good traffic to a great looking site, the difference between ensuring your visitors actually do what you want them to do when they land comes down to one crucial component: your copywriting.

Registering details, downloading a freebie, buying something, making contact… whatever you want them to click, you need the right copy, in the right places, delivering a sophisticated brand message and a strong, compelling call to action.
Push their buttons, and they will push yours.

Better website copy can crank up your ranking overnight.

But of course I would say that, I’m a copywriter. So for some firmer proof, here’s what happened when a car finance provider, operating nationally across Australia, came to me with this very problem: the site looked great, rankings were good, but no-one was clicking any buttons. So, I prescribed a number of measures to make things better:

(1) New copy

The existing copy wasn’t the worst I’ve ever seen, but it also wasn’t structured in the right way to optimise response rates. Important points were lost in long, wordy paragraphs. Weak calls to action were hidden in clunky, poorly executed sentences. And in an industry where a feeling of establishment and trust are paramount to making sales, the existing website copy badly lacked both.

(2) More copy

The search engine ranking was ok, but I saw room for improvement. This client operates in an incredibly competitive, high stakes market, with a lot of players on the field competing for that space at the top of Google’s list. And the key to winning that battle is lots of quality, relevant copy about your services, which proves genuinely useful to the people who read it.

(3) Move copy

Once you’ve got the right copy, it needs to be put in the right place to have the right effect. When people land on your site, they need to know what you’re going to do for them, straight away. Your brand story should be in brief, punchy, easy to follow paragraphs with subheadings. And the best call to action ever written can still fail badly if it doesn’t jump off the page.

One click screen shot for copywriting website

OK, that’s enough name dropping.
Let’s turn to the reason I’m telling you this.

If there’s one thing the new found success of my car finance client’s website tells us, it’s the simple rule #1 I’ve been touting since I first went into business for myself more than 15 years ago.

Your product, your service, your strategy and your design may all be pitch perfect… but your advertising dollars could still go straight down the drain if your copy doesn’t cut through enough to compel your customers to act.

Call a copywriter. (For example, like me.)
Because that’s how easy better business can be.

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