Client: Gavin Jowett Photography
Copy: Website

Jumping through feedback hoops

I’d love to be able to say my clients love the first draft every single time, but of course they don’t. In fact, on rare occasions, they hate my first attempt. Gavin’s first feedback on my first draft was “I can see what you’re trying to do, but I’m just not the sort of cock who would say something like that.” Far from a great start I’m sure you’ll agree, but one of the marks of a really good copywriter is being able to take the harshest feedback onboard, go back to the draft and execute the client’s direction. Gavin and I worked openly and honestly together as we moved towards the sophisticated first person voice he was after. Once we’d nailed the vibe, this big website came together fast, with a fabulous blend of compelling sales copywriting and carefully placed keywords for perfected Search Engine Optimisation.
